I always like to check out the opposite way in which other hikers appear to be headed. @anneduffy and I decided to do that instead of risk a long hike that would be worthless due to the amount of people we saw going one way. The other way was better. Life lessons 101.
Hawaii is so blessed to be without poisonous things. No fear of being in the water looking for alligators or crocs or snakes. Normally we have to look out for things that will kill you plus the occassional hiker or tourist. It was lovely to only have to worry about one thing. 😉
4 replies on “The other way…”
Lovely series. I hope I will have another opportunity to work with Anne. It’s been too long.
I keep looking at this series. I’m intrigued with the hazy light. It almost feels like you are in the pacific northwest. magic once again.
thanks. 🙂 it was sort of raining intermittently. when are we going back? haha
What beautiful images! Agree that Hawaii is something very special!!